Hello again

Hi everyone.

I just wanted to say that my manuscript has not been accepted by a publisher yet. When I said 'future publisher' I was referring to my 'holding the faith' that one day I will be :-)
What I would really love, in my heart, is to be published by Hay House. Does anyone know of a good literary agent who is associated with them? That would be lovely...


Here in this space, there used to exist my blog titled 'parentingtodayschildren.blogspot.com'.  I have removed it out of respect for my future publisher.

Soon, it will be time for the general public to be introduced to the concepts presented in my blog.

The children- as a collective- are eagerly awaiting their parents to wake up to the truth of our times. And so, I was called to write six more blogs (I'd written 27) and send the complete unedited work to a publishing company who is well-known for their commitment to raising the consciousness of our society.

The book is called PARENTING TODAY'S CHILDREN 33 Blogs @ Age 33, and I will keep you posted on the details of this project.
